Portable Stacking Racks Dyna Stacking Rack Information Request Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Rack Design *Select DesignDesign 2Design 3Design 4Design 5Base Style *Select Style2345Quantity Needed *Stacked how high *Single Line TextWeight of Load *Material being storedDescribe load placement: How is the product loaded- via hand, overhead crane, etc? In which direction is the product laying? Does the product cover the entire surface of the deck? Is there any overhang of the product and in which direction?How is the rack moved about?Pallet JackForkliftOverhead CraneOtherIf via Pallet Jack, what is the maximum clearance required on the base?Where is the product stored?InsideOutsideIf via a forklift truck, please indicate the following: width or length / Length of forks / maximum fork spanFork Widthor Fork LengthLength of ForksMaximum Fork SpanHow will racks be used?Storage Only/ IndoorStorage Only/ OutdoorSippingProduction LineOthersDimension of base? (Please indicate width x length) (inside or outside)Clear Height (above the deck for load height)Post are?FixedRemoveableChoice 3Part on top of posts?Target / StandardTarget / MusroomCapsOptions: ColorBlue (standard)OrangeOtherDeckingExpanded MetalWire MetalSeet MetalPlywoodWood BoardPlasticOtherAdditional Options: CastersOversized 6" TargetsStencilGussetsFork stirrups (2 pcs.=1 set per side) How many sets?Location of StirrupsLengthWidthSideframe: WidthEndframe: LengthEntry:2 Way4 WayAdditional notes or comments:Email Address:( *Company Name: *Contact Name: *Street Address: *City: *State/Providence *Zip Code *Country:Phone Number: *Fax Number:Submit